Preserving the antique & classic car culture for future generations
Last Monday of every month
Lower Manning Park
449 San Ysidro Road,
Montecito, CA 93108
Membership Info

Our local AACA fee is $35 per year
AACA National Club is $45 per year
- Join the AACA National & Regional
Membership in the AACA is open to all individuals who have a genuine interest in the antique automobile hobby. Join instantly online or download a printable membership application and mail it back to use with your chosen membership fee.
Ownership of an automobile is not a prerequisite of membership.
All Memberships Include:
Printed bi-monthly issue of ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE magazine.
The two most recent issues of ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE magazine online.
Eligible to join AACA regions and chapters.
Can exhibit vehicles & compete for national prizes and annual awards.
Receive limited free research by the AACA Library & Research Center.
Includes spouse if applicable.
Printable Application or join on line
Printable Application