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Preserving the antique & classic car culture for future generations



JANUARY 30, 2022



Attendance: ‘32‘ Recorded

  • 6:41 pm Dana Newquist called meeting to order

  • Dana gave the background of the club for new members. Started in mid 70’s. 20 years ago, when Jeremy Haas was President, and was approached in Costco. Jeremy said, you would be a good AACA President. By that time, Dana only had attended 2 meetings and had 6-7 people at each meeting. Dana’s plan to increase membership was to have 1. Each meeting had to have a great Speaker 2. Activities 3. Involve the women in general topics. Over the last few covid years, we’ve lost 40 members over the last 2 years. We need to solicit new people, young people. Presently, we DO have new faces.

  • Special note: Check out our website thanks greatly to work by Alma Rose Middleton!

  • Dana had Kevin Haeberle (The Community Hot Rod Project) introduce his group; (Little) Tommy, wife Lindsey, Chris and Patty, RC and Steve. Kevin gave us info on an upcoming expo, April 9, 2022, hosting ‘The Santa Barbara County Auto Expo at the Stow House in Goleta. Connect the community thru cars (and motorcycles). Showcase your cars.

  • Major Bob Burtness led Pledge

  • Joke by Dana

  • Treasurer’s report by Bob Burtness

  • Current balance: $ 2,007.76

  • Income of $205.00 from Membership

  • Expenses of $ 167.00 for 2 lunches (executive) and Speaker Photos (for Dawn Clayton Moore with ’59 Corvette (from Christmas party as speaker) and $100 donation to the AACA Museum in Pennsylvania

  • Bob reminded members that membership is annual and renewal notices start in October and AACA National required. Club is dependent on membership dues.

  • No minutes due to no general meeting, only Christmas Party.

  • AACA Annual Meeting on February 12, 2022 – Upper Manning Park 11:30 a.m. (Picnic style)

  • Official business of our region, including election of officers, adoption of National Charter, time and place of meetings and other activities throughout the year.

  • Valentine Tour to Cambria on February 13, 2022-9am at Stearns Wharf. See Dana to sign up.

  • Fathers’ Day Car Show and BBQ on June 19, 2022 – 30 cars only. Sign up sheets on table

  • Old Business

  • Lori Brown and Dana with National for a Tour held in Santa Barbara. Logistics still being worked out. Sept, Oct or Nov-2022 for Tour

  • Speaker Introduced: Leo Bunnin

  • Leo is a 3rd generation auto dealer who has owned several dealerships over his 40+ years of automotive experience. Late 2019, Leo purchased Santa Paula Chevrolet, renaming it Bunnin Chevrolet of Santa Paula. In 2020 Bunnin Chevrolet of Santa Barbara. Purchased William L. Morris Chevrolet in Filmore, renaming it Bunnin Chevrolet of Filmore. Within the dealership is a local eatery known as ‘Leo’s Café’ where customers can eat and socialize on the showroom floor among classic and late model cars (the club recently visited ‘Leo’s Café’ on a tour)

  • He employs over 125 area residents and has a high sense of responsibility of giving back to the community he serves. After only 1 year of purchasing the dealership, it was named as ‘Large business of the year 2020’ by the Chamber of Commerce”. Many local and countywide organizations have benefited from Leo’s generosity. Recently, Leo has pledged to support the local Search Dog Foundation. Leo has received many recognitions.

  • Leo commented on the dealership business changing with the times. Selling less vehicles, for more money, in certain types of cars, used car business is fine, repairs is fine. Anticipates coming back to normal in the 2nd or 3rd quarter. Run business for less money. GM always chased market share. People look for trucks domestic, people look for cars import. Murphy Museum previously awarded Leo Bunnin.

  • Pricing will come down. Leo recognized Kevin Haeberle by name-Leo supporting the April expo!

  • At the end, he kindly ‘bought’ the dinner for the evening! Donating $2,500!!! as thanks for having him as the Speaker!

  • Meeting adjourned: 7:30 p.m.

  • Recorded by: Nollie Lei Dawson, Secretary

AACA SB Region - Officer Job Descriptions


Annually, usually in February, an “Annual Meeting of the SB Region Of AACA” is held.

For the meeting to be considered “Official” a quorum needs to be established.  In

past years, the quorum has been established at 20 members.

Reasons for the Annual Meeting are:

1.  Adopt the National Charter

2.  Elect new or established officers

3.  Determine time and place of monthly meetings

4.  Determine amount of local dues

5.  Increase membership

The duties of the core of our Club are done to support our Hobby as well as each other



A.  The President presided over Annual and Monthly meetings.

B.  The President works/communicates with all other officers

C.  He/She ensures that the duties of all officers as well as their reporting to local and

National are done on a timely basis

D.  Works to increase Membership

E.  Connects with Officers of National

F.  Represents AACA Santa Barbara

G.  Attends all possible meetings

Vice President

A.   Presides over the Club in the Absence Of the President.

B.    Has the duties listed above


A. He/she has the responsibility of collection of Annual Dues as prescribed by the Annual

Meeting.  The Treasurer can/will recommend dismissal of a member for lack of payment to

either National or Local dues.

B.  The Treasurer ensures that payments are made to National for purposes of Insurance

C.  Duties are the same as those listed under the President


A.  The Secretary records the minutes of monthly meetings as well as results of the Annual


B.  The Secretary keeps a current record of the entire membership

C.  Annually, the Secretary reports to National her/his list of

1. Officers

2. Membership

D. Other duties are as listed under President

AACA Meeting SB Region 

Mulligan’s Restaurant

February 28, 2022

Attendance: ‘36‘ Recorded

6:34 pm Dana Newquist made announcements before the actual meeting

Introduced Michael Baker, CEO of the United Boys & Girls Club announcing an upcoming event known

as ‘Rally 4 Kids’


Saturday, April 23, 2022 ~Contact Michael Baker for registration-only 45 entries.

Rally 4 Kids is a single day event that will combine driving on some of the best roads in the state, whimsical

checkpoint challenges culminating in an amazing Gala you won’t soon forget.  It also gives you a great opportunity to

meet new people and gain great media exposure all while supporting the United Boys & Girls Club of Santa Barbara

County. The event has grown over the years into the largest fund raiser of the year for the United Boys & Girls Club.

The event kicks off on the evening of Friday, April 22nd with an exclusive cocktail party for the driver/navigator teams

and sponsors to learn what lies ahead on the next day during the Rally 4 Kids.  You’ll get a sneak peek of what’s

coming up and network with your fellow competitors and sponsors all while enjoying a great party in an exclusive

secret location.

The real competition starts bright and early on Saturday, April 23rd where the teams will head out on a secret route to

fun, whimsical checkpoints where you’ll be challenged to do things that you’ve likely never done before and hopefully

visit places you had no idea were right here in our backyard.  You’ll be scoring points along the route and at the

checkpoints to determine the 2022 “Road Scholars” Champions where you’ll take home the traveling trophy!

Montecito Motor Classic – Dolores Morelli Johnson

Upcoming event October 9 th starting with an evening event, about 160 tickets prior to the Sunday all day event. More info to

follow by Dolores. Brock friends will bring cars he designed.


AACA Meeting SB Region – February 28, 2022


Minutes (2 of 2)


Pledge led by Michael Cleary

Announced donation by Mr. Richard Omara this evening! Dana indicated we are a member of the ACCC,

a group in Sacramento, a lobbying group, a watchdog of legislations that help safeguard our hobbying

industry and Mr. Omara’s contribution will help in that area.

Treasurer Report: $4,612.87 . Explained that the club supported Kevin Haberly’s community project in

the amount of $500.00. Reminder that Leo Bunnin donated $2,500 last month and this evening $500

from Mr. Omara. Treasury supported by renewal memberships.

Peter’s guest

Scott Wenz, President of Cars are Basic. The City of SB abut 2 weeks ago did a review of housing

density in the city and particularly downtown.  They discussed changing the density from a maximum of

~37 units/acre to over 100 units/acre and not requiring parking.  This means either park on the streets and

walk blocks both in the morning and in the evening.  It also means impacting residential neighbors who

currently park second cars on the streets.

The city has also voted to extend the "emergency" ordinance (that no longer exists) to keep State St.

closed.  Pointed out the bars and restaurants had been given $11 million in subsidies.  This makes the

"success" of State Closing questionable.  At the same time the retail sector is continuing to decline on an

accelerating pace.

Recognition of February birthdays-

AACA SB Website – Alma Middleton created and maintains for our club. Alma encourage members

to share photos.

‘Around Town Tour’ – Dana – starts at the Stow House 9AM and travel to the Reagan Ranch center,

docent led, then lunch (on own) at the Harbor. Reassemble about 1PM at the Maritime Museum, docent

led tour, then to the Natural History Museum

‘Father’s Day Car Show and BBQ – June 19, 2022 ($42.00 per person). Enter car in one of four

categories. Register with Dana

Old Business: Annual AACA Meeting, same slate of officers from 2021 for 2022. Still seeking someone

to take over Membership (contact Dana); President-Dana Newquist; Vice-President-Roy Miller;

Treasurer-Bob Burtness; (new) Secretary-Nollie Lei Dawson

Lori Brown and Dana with National for a Tour held in Santa Barbara. Logistics still being worked out.

Sept, Oct or Nov-2022 for Tour

‘Valentine Tour’ February 13-2022 – Lindsey Coker. Started at the Wharf and made way to Cambria

Pines Lodge on Sunday. Group dinner and everyone left Monday.

‘National AACA Tour’ – Dana with Lori Brown

‘Safeguarding your Home from Fire’ – featured speaker Chief Kevin Taylor – Montecito Fire District


‘Wildfire’ suggested site . Goal in fire prevention is to reduce amber cast by 1. Protecting your

house 2. Reduce Fuel zone 3. Access-safe egress. Handouts provided. Kevin encouraged everyone to

have an Alert system (


Adjourned: 7:34pm


Recorded by: Nollie Lei Dawson, Secretary

AACA Meeting -

March 28, 2022

Mulligan's Restaurant


Location: Mulligan’s Restaurant

Attendance: “36” Recorded

6:00PM Dana Newquist called meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance by Joe Danly


Freddy (last name) gave us a little history on ????

Jim Crook intoducted his guests....Catherine from Passionate Living TV shoe, Gary with

Toyota for many years. First American president for Toyota, 8000 employees under him, new car

were manufactured one every 30 seconds.

Kevin H introduced his guest, his dad Carl. His dad was very involved with cars and taught

Kevin everything he knows about cars.

6:42PM ANNOUNCEMENTS by the following are made.

Kevin H



6:45PM Silly joke by Dana

6:49PM $4696.76 balance in checking account

6:50PM Alma made her website intro

6:50PM Details of FATHER’S DAY CAR SHOW on June 19 and entry applications passed out,

$42 per car entry fee.

Vintage Trailer Show on June 25 in Oxnard.

6:52PM Orwin gave recap of the city guided tour...The Stow House, The Reason Center,

Maritime Museum, and The Natural Museum. It was a full day of fun!

6 :55PM INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUEST...Gary Gorgan of the Maritime Museum. Gary

highlighted his accomplishments and experience he experience he brings to the museum. Gary

gave us a history of the museum and some of the special exhibits at the museum. We currently

have an 18 foot lighthouse lens from the Pt. Conception Lighthouse that weighs 8K lbs on

display at the maritime museum. A must see! Our own club member, Seth, was instrumental in

moving the giant lens to the museum. One of the programs highlighted by Gary is the Love

Letters To the Sea. Children are taught how to write letters and the love of the sea on how to

keep our oceans clean by keeping plastic out of the oceans.

Gary showed us several slides of the different activities and displays in for the summer.

April displays are all things whales. A must see display!

On April 14, the new exhibits and presentations will be based on climate change.


500 entries were received by the museum for the Whale of The Tale Show.

Currently working with Hiroko to bring children on the boar to see the life whales in the wild.

Ninety species of whales have been seen in Santa Barbara.

Many of the upcoming exhibits and programs are geared towards children to teach them about

marine life and how the changes affect other fish life. Many kids how every seen the ocean


Volunteers and docents are needed at the museum.

The fourth floor is the visitor’s floor which boasts great views of the harbor and mountains. Many

upcoming activities will be held there in the future.

7:25PM Roy Miller will be running the April meeting as Dana will be out of town.

7:25PM Meeting adjourned.


MAY 23, 2022



Mulligan’s at SB Golf Course- 5:30pm-6.40pm 

Committee Members Attending:

Lori Brown 

Neil Graffy

Kevin Haeberle

Orwin Middleton

Alma Rose Middleton


Old Business


Quick review and adjustment of tasks-

              Hotel negotiations - Dana and Lori

Proposal for Wine tour activities and route- Mike and Laura 

               Proposal for South tour route and activities- Kevin and Orwin

               Reagan Library tour- Dana and Maria

               History of Santa Barbara welcome presentation- Neal

               Recommendations/proposed sites for local tour- Neal

               Welcome reception/dinner ideas- Kevin and Neal

               Registration form - Maria 

               Flyers, photos and website presence- Alma Rose


Update on hotel negotiations- Lori updated the group with the “guarantee” required by Hilton SB that we book at least 20 rooms x 4 nights (= approx. $25,000) in order to received the room block, reduced rate, discounted resort fee and free parking for one car. 

Dana has emailed National AACA to get input on whether we can be sure we will get that many out-of-area registrations/hotel bookings. We have not yet heard back. Montecito Inn is considering a “courtesy block” which would not require a minimum number of booked rooms, but have not responded to repeated calls.

Tour Route and breakdown of days and events- see shared Google Doc with updated proposed outline of schedule  

New Business

Welcome reception dinner- Kevin offered his connection at Santa Barbara Carriage Museum for Monday, October 16th, 2023. He has connections with full catering of Santa Maria style BBQ. We all discussed the option of no host bar at the Museum, supplying non-alcoholic beverages. Time proposed was 6:30-9pm or so, to allow time for guests to arrive at the hotel and then have reception. Starting with appetizers at 6:30 and dinner at 7 or 7:15pm Neal gave a talk on the history of Santa Barbara and the car history of the area.

Lori gave a brief overview of the Cleary's recent trial run to wine country. They recommended trying to arrange a Solvang car parking on the main street and a time for people to explore, shop and find lunch on their own. More when they are back…

Brief discussion of Day#3 with option of Reagan Library tour vs local Santa Barbara Tour.

Kevin suggested a tour and dinner at the Stow House- through his many valuable connections in town. Kevin also has an option for a rental bus that will be less expensive (and less luxurious) than an Airbus. Will spend more time developing this day and options when Dana and Maria can join us.

South tour day Proposed for Day#4- Thursday- We discussed by Kevin and Orwin- Mullin Museum is a must. Kevin also suggested the Car Vault in Santa Paula. Concern over the distance and that traffic that will be an issue on the back roads on the way home. 

*Since this will be the night of the Closing dinner at the Santa Barbara Club, I would suggest we switch the Day#2 and Day#4 schedules. Wine country day will be a shorter day than the South tour day. I will switch these on the Google Doc- open to suggestions, of course.

 Lori will forward Pierce Arrow flyer to group by email and share Google Doc for people to update and edit.


Next meeting will be 30 minutes before the AACA meeting next Monday, 5/30/22- agenda to update hotel info-Dana, discuss any updates to Carriage Museum availability and catering details by Kevin, discuss reordering or Day#2 and Day#4.

Attendance:  33

6PM - Dana Newquist calls meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance by Joe Danley

6:26pm - Lori introduces sample registration form for National Tour to be hosted in Santa Barbara

6:31 - Mike and Laura introduce the proposal for the Wine Tour for the National Tour

6:37 - Dana discusses the Reagan Library tour

6:41.- Neal discusses the history of Santa Barbara for the National Tour

6:47 - Maria discusses the flyers and registration form for the National Tour

6:56 - List of hotels are previewed by Dana and club members

7:02 - Meeting called to order by Dana 


MAY 23, 2022



Mulligan’s at SB Golf Course- 5:30pm-6.40pm 

Committee Members Attending:

Lori Brown 

Neil Graffy

Kevin Haeberle

Orwin Middleton

Alma Rose Middleton


Old Business


Quick review and adjustment of tasks-

              Hotel negotiations - Dana and Lori

Proposal for Wine tour activities and route- Mike and Laura 

               Proposal for South tour route and activities- Kevin and Orwin

               Reagan Library tour- Dana and Maria

               History of Santa Barbara welcome presentation- Neal

               Recommendations/proposed sites for local tour- Neal

               Welcome reception/dinner ideas- Kevin and Neal

               Registration form - Maria 

               Flyers, photos and website presence- Alma Rose


Update on hotel negotiations- Lori updated the group with the “guarantee” required by Hilton SB that we book at least 20 rooms x 4 nights (= approx. $25,000) in order to received the room block, reduced rate, discounted resort fee and free parking for one car. 

Dana has emailed National AACA to get input on whether we can be sure we will get that many out-of-area registrations/hotel bookings. We have not yet heard back. Montecito Inn is considering a “courtesy block” which would not require a minimum number of booked rooms, but have not responded to repeated calls.

Tour Route and breakdown of days and events- see shared Google Doc with updated proposed outline of schedule  

New Business

Welcome reception dinner- Kevin offered his connection at Santa Barbara Carriage Museum for Monday, October 16th, 2023. He has connections with full catering of Santa Maria style BBQ. We all discussed the option of no host bar at the Museum, supplying non-alcoholic beverages. Time proposed was 6:30-9pm or so, to allow time for guests to arrive at the hotel and then have reception. Starting with appetizers at 6:30 and dinner at 7 or 7:15pm Neal gave a talk on the history of Santa Barbara and the car history of the area.

Lori gave a brief overview of the Cleary's recent trial run to wine country. They recommended trying to arrange a Solvang car parking on the main street and a time for people to explore, shop and find lunch on their own. More when they are back…

Brief discussion of Day#3 with option of Reagan Library tour vs local Santa Barbara Tour.

Kevin suggested a tour and dinner at the Stow House- through his many valuable connections in town. Kevin also has an option for a rental bus that will be less expensive (and less luxurious) than an Airbus. Will spend more time developing this day and options when Dana and Maria can join us.

South tour day Proposed for Day#4- Thursday- We discussed by Kevin and Orwin- Mullin Museum is a must. Kevin also suggested the Car Vault in Santa Paula. Concern over the distance and that traffic that will be an issue on the back roads on the way home. 

*Since this will be the night of the Closing dinner at the Santa Barbara Club, I would suggest we switch the Day#2 and Day#4 schedules. Wine country day will be a shorter day than the South tour day. I will switch these on the Google Doc- open to suggestions, of course.

 Lori will forward Pierce Arrow flyer to group by email and share Google Doc for people to update and edit.


Next meeting will be 30 minutes before the AACA meeting next Monday, 5/30/22- agenda to update hotel info-Dana, discuss any updates to Carriage Museum availability and catering details by Kevin, discuss reordering or Day#2 and Day#4.

Attendance:  33

6PM - Dana Newquist calls meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance by Joe Danley

6:26pm - Lori introduces sample registration form for National Tour to be hosted in Santa Barbara

6:31 - Mike and Laura introduce the proposal for the Wine Tour for the National Tour

6:37 - Dana discusses the Reagan Library tour

6:41.- Neal discusses the history of Santa Barbara for the National Tour

6:47 - Maria discusses the flyers and registration form for the National Tour

6:56 - List of hotels are previewed by Dana and club members

7:02 - Meeting called to order by Dana 


JUNE 27, 2022

Lower Manning Park – 5:30PM


6:00 pm Pledge -Joe Danley

6:20 Mr. Roy Lassen bought old parts.

Jeff Paley

Tim Gracey-retired -friend of Joe Danley

Mike works with Superior Brakes

Page and Celine Patterson. Expert on cadillacs(Page) Joe Paley’s friends

Freebie park usage; friendship with Doug Norton, retired Ranger. 4 th of July event-Montecito Journal for


Birthdays: Alma, Ryan, Herman, Laura

New business: Reinstate the Summer Party. Catered dinner on Monday, July 25-starting 5:30pm

2 hr rent free – for $500.00 +

Fathers’ Day Event: Orwin reported on the event. 3 prior events. Main parking lot with 31 cars , 6 catergories.

Followed by SB club brunch. 225 attended. 5 classes, all present could vote, excluding owners entering cars in

their class.

Vintage Trailer Show, last Saturday-Joe Danley (late notice) put on the Murphy Auto Museum. This year

Oxnard ; 37+ trailers; some cars from the Museum. Good attendance (300 paid in the a.m.) Hoping for better

advertising 2023

Natl AACA tour – with Lori Brown. Pierce Arrow event by Dana; commented positively of using the Marriott in

Buelton. Great parking!! $165. With no parking fee was attractive. Good place to hub out of… Meet be late Sept

to Oct 2023. 4 day event.

Raffle: Bags

Speaker – Jeff Paley. Since 1972 – Dana to get a 50 year pin from National for Jeff! Engineer for

Chevrolet (Roy Miller over 40 years… Bob B. 25-30 years. Earlier contributed many items for our Raffle. How

involved and about Clarence Kramer and WW2 work. At assisted living site, Donna Kramer took care of Heddie

and later took care Heddie, then now Jeff. Don Kramer had his grandfathers’ history. Worked for Ford Motor

Company, supervising 1172 employees. 31 patents and during the war the WW2 jeep; he had patent for window,

seat, stamped one piece grill; 1936-37 seat patent. Retractable hard top. 55 wrap around windshield. Matter of

weeks from concept/design to prototype. 280K Willies manufactured. Bantam had a good design (originated the

design) but Quartermaster was not sure of time production. Clarence Kramer ’42 Glider, 4202 produced

1942>1945. Amphibious jeep with 6,000 for production-but was a failure; lacked consulting. Retired 1967; died

1997. Willis and Ford grill; openings different. Clarence was the designer of the 1955 T-Bird. GP (General

Purpose) called ‘Jeep’. Herman applauded Jeff Paley’s presentation.


Dana Newquist-President (


Roy Miller~Vice-President

Bob Burtness-Treasurer (

Nollie Lei Dawson-Secretary (


AUGUST 29, 2022

Lower Manning Park 5:30pm



The meeting continues on the ‘bring your own dinner’ approach for the summer until

such time a new location is determined as we head into our fall/winter meeting months.

PLEDGE led by Joe Danely leading to the ‘Joke’ of the day then recognition of members

celebrating their birthdays in August!


Treasurer’s Report by Bob Burtness

Checkbook balance as of 8/29:  $4406.14

Membership list remains unchanged from July as there were no renewals at either level.  This

process occurs between late September and Dec. 31 (although there are always stragglers who

pay after this membership expiration date).  

The last quarter of the year coincides with the membership renewal notice from HQ AACA via

The Antique Automobile.  While I always know who and who has not renewed at the region level

at any given time, I do not check the membership “lookup” on the AACA site, but merely go by

what the member tells me.  If I am not told about it, I leave the existing dates on the roster.

Upon receipt of a region membership renewal, I always acknowledge by e-mail and ask if the

national membership  has been renewed.   Sometimes I receive an answer, and sometimes I do



The status of our national membership is revealed in the HQ AACA response to  the secretary’s

report to national NLT March 1.  HQ AACA advises the secretary, as I understand it, who has

and who has not renewed.  Such records have been known to be inaccurate, especially with the

complimentary national memberships which took almost a year to resolve.

Financial projection:  If all present members renew their region memberships by the end of

the year, we will have an additional $1820.00 in the treasury.  

Projected disbursements include $110.00 for region liability insurance (due next month) plus any

amounts the region decides to give to charity between now and December 31.  Since we donated

$100.00 to the AACA Museum in January and $500.00 to the Community Hotrod Project in

February, I do not anticipate any more donations before December 31 but could be wrong.  This

depends upon the whims of the  brethren at any given time.

The meeting continues on the ‘bring your own dinner’ approach for the summer until

such time a new location is determined as we head into our fall/winter meeting months.

PLEDGE led by Joe Danely leading to the ‘Joke’ of the day then recognition of members

celebrating their birthdays in August!


Treasurer’s Report by Bob Burtness

Checkbook balance as of 8/29:  $4406.14

Membership list remains unchanged from July as there were no renewals at either level.  This

process occurs between late September and Dec. 31 (although there are always stragglers who

pay after this membership expiration date).  

The last quarter of the year coincides with the membership renewal notice from HQ AACA via

The Antique Automobile.  While I always know who and who has not renewed at the region level

at any given time, I do not check the membership “lookup” on the AACA site, but merely go by

what the member tells me.  If I am not told about it, I leave the existing dates on the roster.

Upon receipt of a region membership renewal, I always acknowledge by e-mail and ask if the

national membership  has been renewed.   Sometimes I receive an answer, and sometimes I do



The status of our national membership is revealed in the HQ AACA response to  the secretary’s

report to national NLT March 1.  HQ AACA advises the secretary, as I understand it, who has

and who has not renewed.  Such records have been known to be inaccurate, especially with the

complimentary national memberships which took almost a year to resolve.

Financial projection:  If all present members renew their region memberships by the end of

the year, we will have an additional $1820.00 in the treasury.  

Projected disbursements include $110.00 for region liability insurance (due next month) plus any

amounts the region decides to give to charity between now and December 31.  Since we donated

$100.00 to the AACA Museum in January and $500.00 to the Community Hotrod Project in

February, I do not anticipate any more donations before December 31 but could be wrong.  This

depends upon the whims of the  brethren at any given time.


SEPTEMBER 26, 2022

Lower Manning Park – 5:30PM



Meetings continue at Lower Manning Park until another venue warrants it for the fall/winter meetings.

‘Bring your own dinner’ continues to help reduce treasury loss from lack of RSVP from prior attempts.

Attendance: 20

5:46 pm Pledge led by Joe Danely

Joke by Dana~

Two birthdays in September 2022 – Happy Birthday!

Introduced Jerry Bellamy (new member) . Dana met him 35 years ago. 1960 entered Seminary, ordained as

a Catholic priest in 1972 at Guadalupe parish for 5 years. 1982 retired and married. Adrianne, wife and 2

children. Restored a 1947 ’62 series’ Cadillac. Back in Santa Barbara and wants to get back to automobile

restoration. Presented with complimentary AACA National membership. Introduced by Seth and wife and

Joe Rosco. Jerry married one of Dana’s nieces.

Treasurer’s report by Bob Burtness – balance is $ 4,481 plus two renewal checks totaling $70.00 received

today. Reminding renewal of national membership-can be done on line. Send local renewals to Bob Burtness.

(1580 Oramas Road, Santa Barbara 93103)

New venues for fall meetings….per Dana

Harry’s still not responsive due to lack of staff

Moby Dick and Harbor restaurant – good responses. No charge for the room or ‘limit’ $35 per person

…but search continues….open to suggestions

Lemon Festival – had car show (per Joe Danely) who saw about 90 cars, good turnout, good weather. Open a

motorcross – in all a good program. Show 9-3.

Val Verde -Joe Danely; visited 4 senior homes, taking a ‘caravan’. They wanted do a ‘Car Show’. We would

be provided the parking area – comfortable for 15 cars, ample room between cars. Maybe do Vista Del Monte

too-spend an hour in each location…Set for November 15 – Sunday afternoon; 1-2pm and 2-3pm

Membership – Dana has 3 complimentary memberships for AACA National -GIVEN out. Have them

completed and hope for next meeting.

Speaker – Lori Brown. National tour set for 9/25>9/29 2023 given national approval. SY Marriott very

receptive to our request; block of rooms, no limit for booking. Soliciting – cap entries at 60 cars includes one

driver and one person. Need volunteers for sub committees, eventually on hands help. Arrive on Monday and

leave Friday. Stay at one hotel and do sightseeing. Keeping to ‘welcome’ reception per national guidelines.

Several loops with wine visit, etc. ‘Pierce Arrow’ meet -made Dana realizing was the importance of

amenities which led to SY Marriott (banquet hall, room rate, daily parking, etc.) ‘AACA ‘eligible’ vehicle.

National will provide a ‘Tour Liason’ to scrutinize the details. Dana mentioned that National does have a

presence-the Board and maybe their cars too.

Closing comments – Per Mike Cleary, McPherson college – similar to Kevin Haeberle’s ‘Community Project’

Teaching kids about cars! Dana reminded us about Kevin’s ongoing search for a permanent location.

6:30pm Adjourned

AACA Meeting Minutes

JANUARY 30, 2023 

The Pilgrim Terrace


6:17 pm Introductions of Pilgrim Terrace staff

New meeting site had beautiful tables set to accommodate all that attended and food was served to the tables. Unless

advised otherwise, we will continue to hold our meetings here. $27.00 for dinner ($25.00 per person and $2.00 tip for

the staff

Pilgrim Terrace | 649 Pilgrim Terrace Drive


Tour help needed. Sign ups on the tables

Mary’s presentation of the Tour:

The Western National Tour will take place!! Hopefully you’ve seen our 1/2 page teaser ad which was scheduled to come

out in the Jan/Feb edition of Antique Automobile on January 15th. We will begin taking registrations when our next 1/2

page ad appears in the March/April edition. Tour Routes. We’ve completed our three days of tour routes, including

maps and mile markers (do you need copies of these?). We're currently gathering information for all points of interest

and lunch restaurants in each of our tour areas.

1. Day 1 is a fun wine trail tour of lovely backroads filled with beautiful oaks and vineyards, including Ballard and Foxen

Canyons. Participants can stop at their preferred wineries and taste as much or as little as they like. If there are

nondrinkers, there will be plenty of enjoyment in the beautiful drive itself as well as other fun points of interest along

the way that they can pick and choose themselves. Lunch will be on your own in the quaint and historic town of Los

Olivos. The tour continues and ends later in the afternoon at our host hotel. A fun Santa Maria-Style BBQ dinner and

dancing (included in registration fee) is five minutes from our host hotel under the stars at a local historic vineyard

where hayrides and a selection of friendly vineyard pets, including sweet alpacas call home.

2. Day 2 takes us up and over a fabled Pony Express backroad to beautiful Santa Barbara. The drive affords beautiful

vistas and lookout points along the way, and offers one of the most spectacular views of Santa Barbara’s coastline as we

descend. We drive by Santa Barbara’s historic Mission, and park together in the city center where participants have

walking access to art galleries, shopping, restaurants, and museums, including the Santa Barbara Museum of Art,

Historic Arlington Theater, etc. Lunch will be on your own with so many wonderful choices. We will also offer docent-led

tours of the Santa Barbara Courthouse (America's second most photographed, architecturally significant building - No

additional fee for this tour as it is included in our registration fee.) We will also offer the first 80 participants to register

the opportunity to hop on our local “LandShark” tour. For an optional $40 per person, participants can board an

amphibious vehicle that offers a narrated 1.5 hour tour of significant points of interest including a water tour of the

Santa Barbara Harbor and just beyond to visit and say hi to local wildlife including pelicans, seals and other marine life.

1/22/23, 3:38


PM Gmail - 2023 Western Regional Tour Update

f%3A1755515365021788736&simpl=msg-f%3A1755515365… 2/6 We continue our drive with an option of visiting one or

two additional significant Santa Barbara locations - The beautiful Sterns Wharf, and/or our lovely Santa Barbara Harbor.

Both afford a number of interesting and unique points of interest as well as ice cream! We are currently working with

our Santa Barbara Maritime Museum to hopefully (finger’s crossed) schedule a Harbor Visit by “Mystic Whaler”, a steel-

hulled representation of a 19th-century merchant schooner with 3,000 square feet of sail, which we are hoping will be

available for docent-led tours during our visit. From this location we return to our host hotel via CA-101. A “No-Host"

Happy Hour will take place walking distance from our host hotel at a wonderful local brewery, “Firestone”. A group tour

is available, and they do serve dinner there. Dinner will be on your own at this location or a location of each participant’s


3. Day 3 finds us exploring local backroads and a historic California Mission before landing ourselves in Solvang, the

Central Coast’s authentically Danish, American town. We will enjoy a lovely drive to La Purisima Mission, a historic

California mission established in 1787 by the Franciscan Order. Tours are available. Our drive continues to CA-1, then on

to the infamous Santa Rita Hills via the beautifully scenic, winding, and rolling hills of Santa Rosa Road. One stop along

the way at LaFond winery. Then, on we go to Solvang with its unique landmarks, plentiful museums, endless shopping,

flowers, old world architecture, and authentic food and bakeries. Lunch on your own this day in Solvang. Our lovely

Finale Banquet Dinner begins at 5:30 with appetizers and “No-Host” cocktails. A fine dining seated dinner will be served

at 7:00 pm followed by our 2023 Western Regional Tour Closing Program, and dancing.


7:10 PM Meeting begins with pledge


New members: Gordon , Mr. Bellamy, Don brought daughter Sandy.

Remember renewal dues to pay-$35.00 locally; on line for national.

Officer nomination ballots on tables; complete and leave on table

Annual meeting Feb 12, 2023-Lower Manning park 11am lunch, Noon meeting.

Arranged tour; member of CCCA-General Lyons March 4 , El Segundo -Cap at #11 for $75.00

Lyon collection in Newport. On return

Treasurers’ report $5,338.06 SB Club 5381. Two members renewed, 11 members remaining to renew.

Tonite’s speaker: Seth Hammond. Started with being asked to deliver some supplies to a family that was stranded in the

back country, in the Manzana Canyon. They were cut off from the roads due to heavy rain and they were there for 3

weeks without any supplies for their family and animals. On the first day, they delivered by helicopter-3 trips 400 lbs per

trip. During that time, Seth was asked to take the mail and it occurred to Seth that his father had done this 89 years ago

when he delivered mail and supplies to San Miguel Island to the Lester family. So ironic that here they were almost 100

years apart, doing the same thing by air; deliveries to family and done on a voluntary basis.


Adjourned 7:43 pm

AACA Meeting Minutes

February 27, 2023 

The Pilgrim Terrace



As confirmed during the recent Annual Meeting, monthly meetings will continue to meet at The

Pilgrim Terrace ~ 649 Pilgrim Terrace Drive (off Modoc Road)

Dinner is $27.00 per person in cash | or check payable to: AACA Santa Barbara

(Staff: Sebastian, Juanita, Franco, Marlo, Sergio)

Pledge led by Joe Danely

Joke by Joe and Dana

Birthdays in February | Joe Danely, Dolores, Scott, Brad, Mary

Welcome New Members! Mini, Diane, Connor, Dusty Baker, Jerry, Brad, Rick & Jennie

(friends of Clearys) ; Ernest + Bill (Corvette)

Treasurers Report-Bob Burtness ; balance $ 5,500.16; $264.00 website renewal+ new


Secretary Report is posted to our website ( Lei >>>See website (Alma


*Big Announcement! National Website Award! ~thank you Alma!!!!!

New Business

General Lyon’s Magnificent Car and Airplane Collections

March 4, 2023 @8 am prompt Miramar parking lot

Old Business

Garage Tour March 25, 2023 ~Saturday, 9:00am, we will meet at the parking lot in front of the

Miramar and travel to Ventura. Some fabulous Garages that we will see are: Jimmy Johnson’s

Collection (about 70 cars, run by son now), Dan Kolageski, Bruce Terry, Joji Barris and Maureen

Magnuson with a tour of the Magnuson Supercharger Factory

Lori Brown MD-Mary Gates AACA National Tour 2023 Report; AACA eligible car

(25 yrs); AACA member


AACA Meeting Minutes


February 27, 2023 – The Pilgrim Terrace


Scott Wenz | Cars R Us -Change daylight savings time. Requested AACA SB

region support.

Kevin Haeberle-2 nd Annual Sunday May 21, 2023 | Glen Annie Golf Course-needs


Alma Middleton-Asked for pictures of members’ cars and pets (‘Cars & Canines’)

Please consider volunteering for the Tour! There are plenty of positions needing


Speaker-Bruce Terry & Dana Newquist-Creation of Platypus. Bruce is a

fabricator. 1948 Republic Sea Plane, original frame; design/build. 1948

Mercury V8 was used; using original plane framework and door.

***Next meeting speaker: Jeff Paley

Adjourned: 8:05pm

AACA Meeting Minutes

March 27, 2023

The Pilgrim Terrace



35 (30 meals only)As confirmed during the recent Annual Meeting, monthly meetings will continue to meet at The Pilgrim Terrace ~ 649 Pilgrim Terrace Drive (off Modoc Road) for $27.00 per personPledge led by Joe DanelyJoke by Dana (get some comments)Birthdays in March | Candy, Frank, JeffWelcome New Members! Mini, Diane, Connor, Dusty Baker, Jerry, Brad, Rick & Jennie(friends of Clearys) ; Ernest + Bill (Corvette)Treasurers Report-Bob Burtness ; balance $ 5,504.78 (March expense $202.78 Board meal)‘4’ new members signed up!Secretary Report is posted to our website ( Lei >>>See website (AlmaMiddleton)Lori Brown MD-Mary Gates AACA National Tour 2023 Report-Update.Website went live March 15th. AACA National commented on the informative event.Dana emphasized members should register since Tour limiting to 60 cars.Please consider volunteering for the Tour! There are plenty of positions needingfilling!New BusinessReport on Community Hot Rod Project-From Expo to full Vocational-Help needed Sat May 20th9-3pmAACA Meeting MinutesMarch 27, 2023 – The Pilgrim Terrace (2)Old BusinessGarage Tour March 25, 2023 ~Saturday General Lyon’s Magnificent Car and AirplaneCollections-March 4-Comments by Mike Cleary, a car he worked on was there-Esquire article‘What would they look like now”? WW11 and pre-WW11 cars primarily. Garages that wewill see are: Jimmy Johnson’s Collection (about 70 cars, run by son now), and 50s-60strucks. Dan Kolageski Shop, Bruce Terry, Joji Barris and Maureen Magnuson with atour of the Magnuson Supercharger Factory and lastly, Mullin Museum & MurphyMuseumSpeaker-Jeff Paley-My years at ChevroletAdjourned: 8:05pm

AACA Agenda

April 24, 2023

Pilgrim Terrace

As confirmed during the recent Annual Meeting, monthly meetings will continue to meet

at The Pilgrim Terrace ~ 649 Pilgrim Terrace Drive (off Modoc Road) for $27.00 per


Raffled book-Jim Crook winner! Thank you Maria McCall and Uncle Bud

Pledge led by Joe

Danely Joke by


Birthdays in April | Randy, Nollie Lei

Welcomed New Members by Linda Rosso

Treasurers Report-Bob Burtness ; balance $4,017.03

Report on Roy Miller: Had replacement of an aerotic valve a week ago and 6

by-passes. Released today and he's at home-visited Roy and he looks


Secretary Report is posted to our website ( Lei >>>See

website (Alma Middleton)

Lori Brown MD-Mary Gates AACA National Tour 2023 Report-Update.

Website went live March 15


th. AACA National commented on the informative

event. Dana emphasized members should register since Tour limiting to 60 cars.

***Please volunteer***

CCCA is a group based in Sacramento, lobby for our hobby. Wants club

to continue to support. Concensus approved $500. continued support.

National Tour-Dana wants club support of $1,000. Consensus approved


The Community Hot Rod Project-South Coast Church, expecting 200 cars

Report on Community Hot Rod Project-From Expo to full Vocational-Help needed

Sat May 20th 9-3pm. Contact Dana

Or Kevin Haeberle to enter your car


AACA Meeting Minutes

April 24, 2023 – The Pilgrim


Terrace (2)

Speaker-Mayor Randy Rouse (Wife Janice)

Road repairs , how our money is being used.

AACA Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2023

Lower Manning Park


Attendence: 31 6:03 p.m.

Dinner on own

Pledge led by Bob Burtness

Joke by Dana

Birthdays in June | John Self, Brian, Andrea, Laura, Scott

Welcome New Members! Michael and John Self; John Mello,

Treasurers Report-Bob Burtness ; balance $ 3,479.05; $226.28 to Tri Valley Trophy

Bronze Sponsor-$1,000.; CA California Car Clubs-$500.; Pilgrim Terrace $1,055.77

$335.00 Auction deposit

Secretary Report is posted to our ‘award winning’ website ( Lei >>>See

website (Alma Middleton). Updates on the September tour….

New Business

Pilgrim Terrace: May cancellation due to short staff. Pilgrim Terrace is a HUD financed

institution, legal position is that we no longer can hold meetings there. Harry’s restaurant

being approached by Dana. Michael suggested the Brass Bear.

Father’s Day show at Casadorinda; 50 cars in all categories. Mike Cleary got ‘Best of Show’

with his Bigatti. Excellent show, per Mike Cleary, Casadorinda residents offered good

questions. Woody, Dana, Jim, Bob also participated. Dana and Andrea received ‘Best

Dressed’ award. Lunch followed on the patio.

Old Business

Lori Brown MD-Mary Gates AACA National Tour 2023 Report; AACA eligible car

(25 yrs); AACA member

Please consider volunteering for the Tour! There are plenty of positions needing to be filled!

Still looking for more participants. More individual events being discussed. Single day tours

available being priced. First nite: Choose tour , drive on own pace, give back to the

community tour (assemble to visit retirement facilities, schools-via ‘caravan’) Dinner at a

Winery. Return and stay overnite and leave following morning after Breakfast.


AACA Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2023 – Lower Manning Park

Thursday nite is another unique single nite offering.

Mike and Laura Cleary commented, …being Touring ‘junkies’, it’s not only

the cars, but meeting the ‘people’ and, as a result know people from all

over the world. For those concerned about the day with Hwy 154 trip, one

can use the ‘day’ car.

Please consider volunteering for the Tour! There are plenty of positions needing



UCSB Race Club: Started 2 years ago, Formula SE car from scratch. Purpose is to

produce well rounded engineers. Run electric cars. Mechanical and electrical

engineers. Chose electrical car; passing technical. ‘Hypercar’ category. Collegiate

level. Each team builds its own, open wheel, goes thru course, 22 km on a single

battery. Funding from individuals and corporations. Our club would like a fieldtrip,

but awaiting return of the car. Mike will pay for 3 memberships of the UCSB race

club. Membership about 45; infrequent meets about 100. Ecole Technologie. Our

speakers were Cesar Castillo, Aran, Sandhu, and Victoria. Contact Need to have truck towed from Pasadena back to

UCSB and a place to store the vehicle with hope to work on the car during the


Fourth of July – Free concert at the Sunken Gardens 5-6pm.

25 th Anniversary ‘Cars R Us’ at the Timbers July 8 th ; $25 per person for dinner. Per

Scott Wenz.

Adjourned: 6:54pm

AACA Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2023

Lower Manning Park


Attendence: 31 6:03 p.m.

Dinner on own

Pledge led by Bob Burtness

Joke by Dana

Birthdays in June | John Self, Brian, Andrea, Laura, Scott

Welcome New Members! Michael and John Self; John Mello,

Treasurers Report-Bob Burtness ; balance $ 3,479.05; $226.28 to Tri Valley Trophy

Bronze Sponsor-$1,000.; CA California Car Clubs-$500.; Pilgrim Terrace $1,055.77

$335.00 Auction deposit

Secretary Report is posted to our ‘award winning’ website ( Lei >>>See

website (Alma Middleton). Updates on the September tour….

New Business

Pilgrim Terrace: May cancellation due to short staff. Pilgrim Terrace is a HUD financed

institution, legal position is that we no longer can hold meetings there. Harry’s restaurant

being approached by Dana. Michael suggested the Brass Bear.

Father’s Day show at Casadorinda; 50 cars in all categories. Mike Cleary got ‘Best of Show’

with his Bigatti. Excellent show, per Mike Cleary, Casadorinda residents offered good

questions. Woody, Dana, Jim, Bob also participated. Dana and Andrea received ‘Best

Dressed’ award. Lunch followed on the patio.

Old Business

Lori Brown MD-Mary Gates AACA National Tour 2023 Report; AACA eligible car

(25 yrs); AACA member

Please consider volunteering for the Tour! There are plenty of positions needing to be filled!

Still looking for more participants. More individual events being discussed. Single day tours

available being priced. First nite: Choose tour , drive on own pace, give back to the

community tour (assemble to visit retirement facilities, schools-via ‘caravan’) Dinner at a

Winery. Return and stay overnite and leave following morning after Breakfast.


AACA Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2023 – Lower Manning Park

Thursday nite is another unique single nite offering.

Mike and Laura Cleary commented, …being Touring ‘junkies’, it’s not only

the cars, but meeting the ‘people’ and, as a result know people from all

over the world. For those concerned about the day with Hwy 154 trip, one

can use the ‘day’ car.

Please consider volunteering for the Tour! There are plenty of positions needing



UCSB Race Club: Started 2 years ago, Formula SE car from scratch. Purpose is to

produce well rounded engineers. Run electric cars. Mechanical and electrical

engineers. Chose electrical car; passing technical. ‘Hypercar’ category. Collegiate

level. Each team builds its own, open wheel, goes thru course, 22 km on a single

battery. Funding from individuals and corporations. Our club would like a fieldtrip,

but awaiting return of the car. Mike will pay for 3 memberships of the UCSB race

club. Membership about 45; infrequent meets about 100. Ecole Technologie. Our

speakers were Cesar Castillo, Aran, Sandhu, and Victoria. Contact Need to have truck towed from Pasadena back to

UCSB and a place to store the vehicle with hope to work on the car during the


Fourth of July – Free concert at the Sunken Gardens 5-6pm.

25 th Anniversary ‘Cars R Us’ at the Timbers July 8 th ; $25 per person for dinner. Per

Scott Wenz.

Adjourned: 6:54pm

AACA Meeting Minutes

August 28, 2023 – The Brass Bear

Attendence: 32  6:08 p.m.


Pledge led by Joe Danley

Joke by Dana

Birthdays in August|   Roy Miller

Welcome New Members : Dolores and Randy Wilson (Mike Cleary); Yella from Belgium (Nancy Nolan) ; Edward Underhill -Jim|China (remembers ‘Hette ‘78’) ;

Karen (M Club Trip 25th overnite, Harvest Moon Overnite (for women) @ Marriott

(sync with AACA week!)

Treasurers Report-Bob Burtness ; balance; $3,864.05 – No disbursements  

Secretary Report is posted to our ‘award winning’ website ( Lei >>>See website (Alma Middleton). Updates on the September tour….

New Business

Cars and Cowboys 9/16-Santa Ynez

Viking Classic Car Show 10/7 – downtown Solvang

**Contact Dana for details**

Pebble Beach – by Roy Miller:  Entry fee - $500 per person!! Advance (-$100)

‘8’ judges. Head judge prefers Maseratis.   1937 Mercedes-Best of Show; 1955 Pearce Arrow

Cars from the classic era.  ‘FIVA’  Federal International  Vehicle Ancient-purpose to exhibit

To confirm originality, regular usage, etc. Own, use, and celebrate old cars! 


Per Orwin, a unique experience, Lotus 19 belong to Nedercut, in early 60s a turning point

Old Ferraris


Per Dana, attended the San Marino Motor Classic, scheduled a week after Pebble Beach, 500 cars, entered 1916 Chalmers, Tina Byrd-1920 Model 13 Bogatti-powerful little car!

AACA Meeting Minutes

August 28, 2023 –

The Brass Bear


Attendence: 32 6:08 p.m.

Pledge led by Joe Danley

Joke by Dana

Birthdays in August| Roy Miller

Welcome New Members : Dolores and Randy Wilson (Mike Cleary); Yella from Belgium

(Nancy Nolan) ; Edward Underhill -Jim|China (remembers ‘Hette ‘78’) ;

Karen (M Club Trip 25 th overnite, Harvest Moon Overnite (for women) @ Marriott

(sync with AACA week!)

Treasurers Report-Bob Burtness ; balance; $3,864.05 – No disbursements

Secretary Report is posted to our ‘award winning’ website ( Lei >>>See

website (Alma Middleton). Updates on the September tour….

New Business

Cars and Cowboys 9/16-Santa Ynez

Viking Classic Car Show 10/7 – downtown Solvang

**Contact Dana for details**

Pebble Beach – by Roy Miller: Entry fee - $500 per person!! Advance (-$100)

‘8’ judges. Head judge prefers Maseratis. 1937 Mercedes-Best of Show; 1955 Pearce Arrow

Cars from the classic era. ‘FIVA’ Federal International Vehicle Ancient-purpose to exhibit

To confirm originality, regular usage, etc. Own, use, and celebrate old cars!

Per Orwin, a unique experience, Lotus 19 belong to Nedercut, in early 60s a turning point

Old Ferraris

Per Dana, attended the San Marino Motor Classic, scheduled a week after Pebble Beach, 500

cars, entered 1916 Chalmers, Tina Byrd-1920 Model 13 Bogatti-powerful little car!


AACA Meeting Minutes

August 28, 2023 – The Brass Bear


Old Business

Mary Gates:

Checking emails of members! Handout for those who did not receive Mary’s updated event


Monday: Sept 25 th | 3 self-guided tours; part of the car parade thru SY valley start at Marriott

thru Solvang and into SY ending at the SY carriage museum, drive by schools , Rona Barretts’

followed by event. All cars parked on street; Joji Barrett in Batmobile leading parade and

involve residents in their antique cars. On line form ready to register; lunch $25 can by

ordered. About 8 mile tour. Need cool cars! Local media involved. Batmobile poster made.

Gala Finale Dinner: Thurs- Sept 28 th OK to sign up for this single event.

Please consider volunteering for the Tour! There are plenty of positions needing filling!


Adjourned: 7:18 pm

Submitted by: Secretary~Nollie Lei Dawson





AACA Meeting Minutes

Monday, February 2,2024

Brass Bear Uptown


President Dana Newquist,  VP Roy Miller,  Treasurer: Nollie Lei Dawson  Secretary: Michael Self Membership:  Linda Rosso  Web Master: Alma Rose Middleton


Call to order 6:06 pm, meals are now $35.00, includes meals, soft drink, tax & tip.


Pledge, Capt. Joe Danely


Joke, Danna Newquist, with a Navy theme


Treasurers report, Nollie Lei Dawson, $5,655.15 on account.  5 membership renewals, 3 new         memberships. 33 persons in attendance. 


Mullin Museum report, Mike Cleary, our members attended the last tours of the museum, due to the death of the founder.  Usually endowments are in place to secure the ongoing operation when a founder is deceased, however this was not the case. The collection which houses art, sculpture, furniture and of course vintage vehicles will be dispersed.


Nethercutt Museum report, Michael Self, Dana arranged a private tour for the club in the 5 story private collection.  All these cars were driven regularly and fully restored on site.  There are dozens of antique music boxes including on the represents a 20piece orchestra, the pipes as mall as a #2 pencil to over 16” in diameter.  A grandfather clock make of one solid piece of Cuban Mahogany.  Many cars are first place Pebble Beach winners.  A luxurious antique train private car costing over $60,000.00 in the 1920’s. Brents Deli in Westlake was a special treat.


AACA National Convention report, Mary & Bob Gates and Lori & Ryan Brown, were in Virginia, with around 460 in attendance.  Our regional AACA Club received a “Best Divisional Tour” award.  They were impressed with the activities at the event. Many Club members volunteered countless hours to make this Tour a success.


Don Nichols invited Dana to view the Collection Ducoing in Anaheim.  4 large warehouses with anything collectable, coins, art, posters, vehicles, candy and gum etc. 6 gas stations, drug store, ribbon store.  A restored Chris Craft boat.  Cars from the 30’s i immaculate, Pebble Beach condition.  No photos allowed.


Mike Cleary introduced guests Gary ______?? and John Coleman.


Scott Wenz, Francine Rand and Joe Danely celebrated February birthdays.


Reagan Library outing,Friday April 5th. to view the “Star Wars and SDI Defending America and the Galaxy” attraction. Details to follow.


Speaker, Admiral John Weigold, “China Alarm”.  Spoke of China’s expansion both in territory,  militarily equipment and technology as a growing threat to the USA and the world.

AACA Meeting Minutes

Monday, March 25, 2024

Brass Bear Uptown


President Dana Newquist,  VP Roy Miller,  Treasurer: Nollie Lei Dawson  Secretary: Michael Self Membership:  Linda Rosso  Web Master: Alma Rose Middleton


Call to order 6:08 pm, meals are now $35.00, includes meals, soft drink, tax & tip.


Pledge, Capt. Joe Danely


Joke, Danna Newquist, as alway a surprise and happy ending.


Treasures Report, $5,194.8 on account.  35 people in attendance. Three guests attended.


Secretary Report, Please refer to the website.


New Business, March/April AACA Magazine-AACA Divisional Tour Award Mary Gates/Lori Brown represented Santa Barbara Region P-77

Activity Director needed!


Activities, Friday March 5th the club will be going to the Reagan Library, Star Wars & SDI-Defending America attraction.


Kevin Haeberle of the Community Hot Rod Project, has arranged a 3 day event including a car show at UCSB 8/10-12/2024. More later.


Speaker, Luke Swetland CEO SB Natural History Museum and Sea Center since January 2013. The vision in to inspire curiosity . The museum started as an ornithological exhibit “Everything from the Egg”. the research center has over 3.5 million artifacts. An Anthropology Dept.  the Chumash exhibit is closed until it’s approved by the tribe, as per Federal Law. The pygmy mammoths was unearthed at the islands is the only place on the planet with such a find.  The exhibits contain birds, mammals, mollusks, insects, gems, and reptiles. No botany.  SB is a bio diversity hot spot on earth.  At the entrance is the skeleton of a juvenile blue whale, “Chad”. A riparian corridor, mission cheek, delights many a child. It hosts a full dome planetarium, with a show the second Saturday every month. There are art exhibits and an annual live butterfly pavilion. An Outdoor Nature Center is to promote curiosity in children  

The Sea Center specializes in marine science with a robust teen program.  The touch tank is better received by curious children than cautious adults.  Volunteers needed for both venues.

Annual memberships are encouraged. 


Adjourned 7:27

AACA Meeting Minutes

Monday, February 2,2024

Brass Bear Uptown


President Dana Newquist,  VP Roy Miller,  Treasurer: Nollie Lei Dawson  Secretary: Michael Self Membership:  Linda Rosso  Web Master: Alma Rose Middleton


Call to order 6:06 pm, meals are now $35.00, includes meals, soft drink, tax & tip.


Pledge, Capt. Joe Danely


Joke, Danna Newquist, with a Navy theme


Treasurers report, Nollie Lei Dawson, $5,655.15 on account.  5 membership renewals, 3 new         memberships. 33 persons in attendance. 


Mullin Museum report, Mike Cleary, our members attended the last tours of the museum, due to the death of the founder.  Usually endowments are in place to secure the ongoing operation when a founder is deceased, however this was not the case. The collection which houses art, sculpture, furniture and of course vintage vehicles will be dispersed.


Nethercutt Museum report, Michael Self, Dana arranged a private tour for the club in the 5 story private collection.  All these cars were driven regularly and fully restored on site.  There are dozens of antique music boxes including on the represents a 20piece orchestra, the pipes as mall as a #2 pencil to over 16” in diameter.  A grandfather clock make of one solid piece of Cuban Mahogany.  Many cars are first place Pebble Beach winners.  A luxurious antique train private car costing over $60,000.00 in the 1920’s. Brents Deli in Westlake was a special treat.


AACA National Convention report, Mary & Bob Gates and Lori & Ryan Brown, were in Virginia, with around 460 in attendance.  Our regional AACA Club received a “Best Divisional Tour” award.  They were impressed with the activities at the event. Many Club members volunteered countless hours to make this Tour a success.


Don Nichols invited Dana to view the Collection Ducoing in Anaheim.  4 large warehouses with anything collectable, coins, art, posters, vehicles, candy and gum etc. 6 gas stations, drug store, ribbon store.  A restored Chris Craft boat.  Cars from the 30’s i immaculate, Pebble Beach condition.  No photos allowed.


Mike Cleary introduced guests Gary ______?? and John Coleman.


Scott Wenz, Francine Rand and Joe Danely celebrated February birthdays.


Reagan Library outing,Friday April 5th. to view the “Star Wars and SDI Defending America and the Galaxy” attraction. Details to follow.


Speaker, Admiral John Weigold, “China Alarm”.  Spoke of China’s expansion both in territory,  militarily equipment and technology as a growing threat to the USA and the world

AACA Meeting Minutes

Monday, May 27, 2024

Brass Bear Uptown


President Dana Newquist,  VP Roy Miller,  Treasurer: Nollie Lei Dawson  Secretary: Michael Self Membership:  Linda Rosso  Web Master: Alma Rose Middleton


Call to order 6:08 pm, meals are now $35.00, includes meals, soft drink, tax & tip.


Pledge, Capt. Joe Danely.


Joke,  Dana; The tardy Admiral.


Birthday’s in May, Andrea Newquist and Sandy Crowe.


Treasurer’s Report, $5,081.49 on hand.  The previous months raffle brought in $500.00.


Secretary Report, please refer to the website.


New Business, West of Tulsa, a film documentary company, will host a panel discussion June 8th, 5pm at the Museum of Natural History. On the panel is, Lee Hammock, Seth Hammond, Chip Floose, The Langlo Brothers, Orwin Middleton, Mike Cleary, Jim Harris, Dan Hogan, Roy Miller and Tony Baker with C.J. Ward as emcee. The topic is the history of post WWll racing on the Central Coast.

Scott Wenz shared a family relic; WWll flag ensign 10-M that flew at a Naval Bomber Base in March 1943.

Dana asked the Club to authorize a $1,000.00 donation to the SB Natural History Museum. a show of hands approved this action.

A sign up sheet was available to enter vehicles in the 6/16, Father’s Day show at Casa Dorinda. There’s no entry fee a lunch will be provided for the entrants.  The residents will be the judges.

July 13th there will be an automobile show at the Old SB Mission.  75 cars and vendors.


Old Business, 4/30 Kevin Haeberle attended the SB City Council meeting  to designate two SB Airport Hangars for community benefit; auto workshop and design training, historic museum, etc. He’s pursuing a $1,500.000.00 grant for renovations. The SB Council voted unanimously in approval.

Kevin discussed the UCSB Car Expo, 8/10-11.  1,000 cars. Rally and Gala Saturday.


Speaker, Bobbie (Barbara Evans) Kinnear about the book she and Colonel Richard Ernest Evans authored about her father, “Richard Eager - A Pilot’s Story fromTennessee Eagle Scout to General Montgomery’s ‘Flying Fortress’”. An interesting compilation of war stories and wonderful period photos.  The books were available for purchase

AACA Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 24, 2024

Lower Manning Park, Montecito



President Dana Newquist,  VP Roy Miller,  Treasurer: Nollie Lei Dawson  Secretary: Michael Self Membership:  Linda Rosso  Web Master: Alma Rose Middleton


Call to order 6:45 pm


Nollie Lei Dawson prepared a fabulous  picnic dinner, 3 appetizers, roasted chicken, potato and pasta salad, roasted vegetables, iced tea, several cakes and cookies for desert for $20.00 each. She’s been nominated to be the Club’s permanent  chef and hostess. 


Pledge, Capt. Joe Danely.


Joke,  Dana; The blind clerk at Bass Pro Shop


Birthdays in June, Laura Cleary, Alma Rose Middleton and Ryan  ????


Treasures Report, Balance $ 3,197.49


Secretary Report, Please refer to website


Guests, Marlee King sponsored Gretchen Falvo, Steve and Linda Petersen as prospective members.


New Business,  

  1. Upper Village 4th of July Parade.  There’s still time to enroll.  Shortest parade in the USA.  From Upper San Ysidro Rd to Lower Manning Park.

  2. West of Tulsa “Central Coast Racing” Mike Rand; the 3 hour program was over in a flash, the audio  was superb and Tanis Hammond stole the show with her comments.Should be available on YouTube mid-July.

  3. The Casa Dorinda/AACA Father’s Day John Self; there were 30 cars, coffee, rolls and lunch were provided by Casa Dorinda. Four cars and the best dressed man and woman won a bottle of bubbly, and many thanks to Dana for arranging the show again.

  4. Old Mission SB 7/13 car show, Donna Reeves; $75.00 to show a car.  70 spots available, 59 now registered.  The proceeds are for historic preservation of the Mission.


Old Business, Kevin Haeberle; distributed fliers for the 8/10-11 UCSB Auto Expo.  1,000 vehicles, i.e. cars trucks and motorcycles. Saturday am an auto rally and 6-10 pm a gala.An auto expo and show Sunday in Stork Field. All proceeds go to the Community Hot Rod Project Vocational Training Center.

  • Activity director needed


Speaker-David Neel,  Spoke as the director of the Murphy Auto Museum in Oxnard from January 2014 until now. He was very involved in vintage trailer shows which brought in needed revenue.  Sadly the museum is closing and everything will be sold mid-July. Joe Danely shared a joke about Morris Minors getting up to 45 MPH in 2-3 zip codes.

AACA Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 24, 2024

Lower Manning Park, Montecito



President Dana Newquist,  VP Roy Miller,  Treasurer: Nollie Lei Dawson  Secretary: Michael Self Membership:  Linda Rosso  Web Master: Alma Rose Middleton


Call to order 6:45 pm


Nollie Lei Dawson prepared a fabulous  picnic dinner, 3 appetizers, roasted chicken, potato and pasta salad, roasted vegetables, iced tea, several cakes and cookies for desert for $20.00 each. She’s been nominated to be the Club’s permanent  chef and hostess. 


Pledge, Capt. Joe Danely.


Joke,  Dana; The blind clerk at Bass Pro Shop


Birthdays in June, Laura Cleary, Alma Rose Middleton and Ryan Brown


Treasures Report, Balance $ 3,197.49


Secretary Report, Please refer to website


Guests, Marlee King sponsored Gretchen Falvo, Steve and Linda Petersen as prospective members. 33 Adults and two children attended.


New Business,  

  1. Upper Village 4th of July Parade.  There’s still time to enroll.  Shortest parade in the USA.  From Upper San Ysidro Rd to Lower Manning Park.

  2. West of Tulsa “Central Coast Racing” Mike Rand; the 3 hour program was over in a flash, the audio  was superb and Tanis Hammond stole the show with her comments.Should be available on YouTube mid-July.

  3. The Casa Dorinda/AACA Father’s Day John Self; there were 30 cars, coffee, rolls and lunch were provided by Casa Dorinda. Four cars and the best dressed man and woman won a bottle of bubbly, and many thanks to Dana for arranging the show again.

  4. Old Mission SB 7/13 car show, Donna Reeves; $75.00 to show a car.  70 spots available, 59 now registered.  The proceeds are for historic preservation of the Mission.


Old Business, Kevin Haeberle; distributed fliers for the 8/10-11 UCSB Auto Expo.  1,000 vehicles, i.e. cars trucks and motorcycles. Saturday am an auto rally and 6-10 pm a gala.An auto expo and show Sunday in Storke Field. All proceeds go to the Community Hot Rod Project Vocational Training Center.

  • Activity director needed


Speaker-David Neel,  Spoke as the director of the Murphy Auto Museum in Oxnard from January 2014 until now. He was very involved in vintage trailer shows which brought in needed revenue.  Sadly the museum is closing and everything will be sold mid-July. Joe Danely shared a joke about Morris Minors getting up to 45 MPH in 2-3 zip codes.

AACA Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 29,2024
Canzella Alpaca Farm
4036 Foothill Blvd, Carpinteria

President Dana Newquist, VP Roy Miller, Treasurer: Nollie Lei Dawson Secretary: Michael Self Membership: Linda Rosso Web Master: Alma Rose Middleton

Carol Ann Lonson, the owner of the farm introduced us to the proper stance to approach these beautiful creatures. We split into two groups and toured the farm armed with small buckets of baby carrots to feed the Alpacas. We were given large carrots to feed the resident water buffalo and goats. the farm hosts chickens and peacocks. The farm dogs keep the neighboring coyotes at bay.

A delicious meal of Mexican tacos, with all the fixens, by Danny’s Tacos, was served when we returned to the house.

Pledge: Joe Danely

We missed our usual Joke by President Dana.

Treasurer”s report: $ 4,373.40. 37 members in attendance

July Birthdays Dana Newquist, Bob Paterson, Seth Hammond, and Michael Rand.

Birthday and cheese cake was served to everyone for the celebration.

Dana asked for a consensus on returning to the Brass Bear in the Fall and an August meeting on the Condor express at $100.00 each. Nothing was decided and Dana will sent a query to the Club through email.

Kevin Haeberle invited everyone to attend the 8/10-11 Auto Expo at UCSB. There will be a Saturday rally, gala and Sunday car show.

Debbie Williams and Bob Ingersoll spoke of the over 90 year history of Crane School in Montecito. Faced with the prospect of closing the school due to lack of funds they decided to have a car show to boost revenues. The shows were 5 years at the Crane campus, 6 years at the Polo Fields, then SBCC. Ms Williams and Mr Ingersoll gifted the club with auto posters and a framed, signed photo. Dana accepted the gifts and said the Club would auction this to members for the benefit of the Club.

AACA Meeting Minutes

Monday, August 26,2024

Paso Nuevo Cinema

“Reagan” Movie Screening


President Dana Newquist, VP Roy Miller, Treasurer: Nollie Lei Dawson Secretary: Michael Self Membership: Linda Rosso Web Master: Alma Rose Middleton

August Birthday, Alan Bullock

Treasure’s Report, $3,287.23  Reports

Hot Rod Expo, Dana reported there were 180 cars entered. Very nice venue for the show. Dana”s 1934 Pierce Arrow received an award.

Pebble Beach was quite a success as demonstrated by the fact the town and surrounds were in gridlock.

Dana attended the San Marino Classic in Lacy Park. More than 400 cars, many from Pebble Beach, were in the show.


The Reagan movie prescreening was hosted by the Young America’s Foundation. The tickets were $10.00 which included popcorn, Jelly Bellies and an extra large soda or water.Dennis Quaid stared as Reagan along side many well known actors. This biographical documentary told of endearing love of he and Nancy and the ups and downs of President Reagan’s personal and political life.


September’s AACA Meeting (9-23-24) will be at the “Barris Museum”, 4538 Westinghouse St., unit A, Ventura.

Danny’s Tacos will cater the dinner for $30.00 each.

Speaker, Peter Kappen: How to Shoot a Classic Car! Bring your clunker if it’ll make it.

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